Monday, February 28, 2011
Yesterday's change in venue motivated me to do my longest run yet... 13 miles. The weather was perfect and the trails were pretty clean with just a few muddy spots. The last mile was fairly ugly-- I walked a little here and there... but I did make it. I ran the 5-mile loop and then ran it again up to the four-mile mark and turned around. That's 5 + 4 + 4 = 13. It was definitely a challenge.
Next week, I'm supposed to make it to 15 miles. I can't fathom that I'll be ready, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Bill's last hockey game was last night, so I'm hoping to get at least three weekday runs in this week. Maybe the extra conditioning will pay off.
I ran with the Lemon-Lime Gatorade for the first time and skipped the other fuel products (Gu Chomps/Gel). The other stuff didn't seem to be making much of a difference. The problem with these products (and the Gatorade) is that it makes me even more thirsty. My water belt holds 24 ounces and it's always all gone by the end of the long run. As a side note, my six-year-old iPod is barely holding its charge. More miles, more problems.
I just made an appointment with an orthapedic doctor at a clinic that specializes in sports medicine. My feet are killing me and I'm really worried about the dreaded p-word... plantar fasciitis. Running the length of the sole (plantar aspect) of the foot is a thin layer (fascia) of muscle. If this layer gets injured in any way, a fasciitis can be started. My feet have been hurting since last week and I basically ran through the pain yesterday.
The fascia helps to support the longitudinal arches of the foot, especially the medial (inner) arch. Anything which causes this arch to flatten or distort will have an impact on the plantar fascia. Unsupportive sneakers can have a major impact on the onset of this condition. The long arch must be supported by the shoe, both inside with arch support cushioning, and also by the inner edge of the shoe itself.
I know for a fact that I have very high arches. The customer service rep at RR sports warned me that I could develop PF without using supportive inserts. I've tried to buy "over-the-counter" orthodics inserts to support the arches-- however, none of them have fit correctly and they've caused a host of other problems. I've been running for three years without inserts, so I just hoped to continue without any problems.
I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow and I have a good feeling that he'll outfit me with some custom inserts. In the meantime, I'm hoping that he doesn't put me on the DL.
I can't imagine taking time off now that I'm so close to the end of training.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
2 Weeks
I did get my two long runs in... both 11.2 miles (or seven 1.6 mile loops). Each time, I was aiming for a full 12 miles and each time I couldn't get it together for that last mile.
My weekday runs haven't been as regular as I would like. Each week, I've only gotten an additional two runs in. Each one totalling four or five miles. Bill is wrapping up the end of his coaching season, so I'm hoping to get more time to run during the week.
I've switched over to using an energy gel for my long run. I'm really not convinced that it's actually doing anything. I mean, I don't actually feel a burst or replenishment of energy. This week, I'll be replacing one of the water bottles on my belt with Gatorade. Hopefully, this will make more of a difference.
The challenge in getting to that 12 or 13 miles in the long run doesn't seem so much to be an issue of energy though. I've adjusted my pace so that I'm not out of breath and the run is, for the most part, comfortable. At the end of the tenth mile, what's really failing me is my leg muscles. My legs are just tired.
For anyone whose been keeping up with these posts, the leg pain is entirely (knock on wood) gone! Also, not a single blister since I got the new socks and Body Glide. Unfortunately, this last long run brought on some pain beneath the arches in both feet. I'm hoping this is just a temporary glitch and not another long-term issue to struggle with. It made the last mile on that long run very uncomfortable, but it didn't bother me today on my 5-miler.
Another challenge has been the wind. Over the last two weeks, the wind has been so strong and cold. Once I complete that 10th mile, my first layer is pretty soaked with sweat and the wind just freezes me. Also, running against the wind is just hard.
Last week was a big week for fundraising though. I helped out with a student council event at my school and (although the final totals aren't in as of yet) I'm hoping to have raised at least $1,000 for LLS. The students did nearly all of the work and I'm so grateful to them for their help.
My next step for fundraising is to write an email to my colleagues at work and to write a letter to the parents at Will and Liam's school. I have about $500 to go, which should be do-able. I also need to write Thank You notes to those that have already donated... this is something I've been wanting to do for a while, but just haven't been able to make the time.
And hopefully this is the week that I make it to 12 or 13 miles.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
4-Run Week
Ran 3 miles Monday, 4 miles Wednesday, 5 miles Friday and 11 miles Sunday. That's 23 miles for the mathematically challenged.
Felt really good to train so regularly. Bill had a light week with ice hockey and the due dates for our marking period and exam grades were pushed to a week later. It was great to have the extra time.
I don't want to jinx it, but this was the best my leg has felt in a long time. It's not perfect-- still a little sore, still a little weak-- but much better.
Before this week's long run, I made another trip to RR Sports and picked up some supplies.
I Googled "blisters and marathon training" in a desperate search for a cure. Most pairs of my running socks are blood stained in spots where I've had continual problems whenever running more than 5 mi distances. In accordance with some internet advice, I tried some Body Glide (a waxy skin protectant) on the trouble areas and a new type of socks. The socks are called "Wright Socks" and they are composed of two layers so that the two layers rub against each other, thereby lessening the friction on the foot. After running the 11-mi distance on Sunday, I only had a very small blister where I didn't put the Body Glide. So hopefully, this is something I won't have to worry about anymore.
I also bought some "fuel" for the long runs. About 45 min to an hour into my long run, I'm supposed to refuel with an energy product. There were lots of different products at the store, but I settled on the Gu brand that is one of the most popular. I bought two different types-- gel form and chewable form. For this week, I decided to try the chewable "Gu Chomps" around mile number six. There were four pieces in the serving size and they are each about six times the size of a fruit snack-- they also taste exactly like fruit snacks. "Chomps" is the name of the game because it takes quite a while to chew them up and get them down. Since I don't even attempt to eat or drink while running, I ended up taking a two-minute walk break while trying to eat these things and then chase them with enough water to aid in their absorption. Next week, I'll try the gel.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Three Months to Go...
A 4-mile run, a 10-mile run, and a 3-mile run.
I wish I had more time to devote to training, but I'm doing the best that I can with a full-time job, two kids and on most nights, homework.
This was the third time that I ran ten-miles this month. I carried water for the first time using a belt that I bought at Road Runner Sports. I ran a little over six 1.6-mile loops at a local reservoir and stopped for about 30 - 60 seconds at the conclusion of each lap, to take a little water and rest time. I definitely feel like I'm improving with the endurance required for such long runs. Although, I'm a little disappointed at how slow my pace has become. Based on the fact that the 10 miles takes me a little under two hours, I'm guessing that my pace is a little under an 11-minute mile. It feels more like a jog than a run. Back in my 5k days, I was running close to a 9-minute mile-- which wasn't record setting or anything-- but way faster.
I'm making an appointment with an ortho to take a look at my leg. It's still sore during the longer runs and I'm anxious to find out if there's anyway to improve the problem.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Another Week
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Ups and Downs
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Ran eight miles along the shore. It was windy, cold and grey-- but after the first mile I was warm for the remainder of the run. There were so many people out running and the boardwalk was still full of snow and ice from the previous storm, so I was still on the road.
Before starting, my left leg was sore, but I did the run anyway. Afterwards, the soreness had turned into pain. I got home and Googled and I'm pretty sure that it's my left achilles tendon.
I'm resting for the remainder of the weekend. Taking some anti-inflammatories and using ice. Hoping the pain goes away in time for Monday's run.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Getting Back Into It
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Break
I was supposed to run on the 23rd of December. But I had presents to buy and wrap, a house to clean, kids to make ornaments with and so on. I decided that I would take a few days off and make up for it after Christmas. Then came the snow storm and house guests and before I knew it, I was two days into the new year.
I signed up for today's group run and was encouraged to try for the scheduled 8 miles. Fueled with two weeks of junk food and inactivity, I was rightfully hesitant. The weather was warm and there was a light rain half-way through, so I only made it to seven.
I was huffing and puffing and my legs and arms felt like anchors. Every step felt tough and the idea of quitting crossed my mind on many occasions.
I'm not planning on skipping any more stretches of time in my next few months of training.
Next run is scheduled for Tuesday.