Ran 3 miles Monday, 4 miles Wednesday, 5 miles Friday and 11 miles Sunday. That's 23 miles for the mathematically challenged.
Felt really good to train so regularly. Bill had a light week with ice hockey and the due dates for our marking period and exam grades were pushed to a week later. It was great to have the extra time.
I don't want to jinx it, but this was the best my leg has felt in a long time. It's not perfect-- still a little sore, still a little weak-- but much better.
Before this week's long run, I made another trip to RR Sports and picked up some supplies.
I Googled "blisters and marathon training" in a desperate search for a cure. Most pairs of my running socks are blood stained in spots where I've had continual problems whenever running more than 5 mi distances. In accordance with some internet advice, I tried some Body Glide (a waxy skin protectant) on the trouble areas and a new type of socks. The socks are called "Wright Socks" and they are composed of two layers so that the two layers rub against each other, thereby lessening the friction on the foot. After running the 11-mi distance on Sunday, I only had a very small blister where I didn't put the Body Glide. So hopefully, this is something I won't have to worry about anymore.
I also bought some "fuel" for the long runs. About 45 min to an hour into my long run, I'm supposed to refuel with an energy product. There were lots of different products at the store, but I settled on the Gu brand that is one of the most popular. I bought two different types-- gel form and chewable form. For this week, I decided to try the chewable "Gu Chomps" around mile number six. There were four pieces in the serving size and they are each about six times the size of a fruit snack-- they also taste exactly like fruit snacks. "Chomps" is the name of the game because it takes quite a while to chew them up and get them down. Since I don't even attempt to eat or drink while running, I ended up taking a two-minute walk break while trying to eat these things and then chase them with enough water to aid in their absorption. Next week, I'll try the gel.

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