I pulled up next to Bill in the parking lot. I hopped out of the car (running late as usual) and gave Bill a quick hug. He asked me how I was. "Headache", I replied. I asked him how he was. "Backache", he replied. We exchanged a few details and then we were both on our way. (Ah, the romance...)
My headache became increasingly worse. I considered canceling the third appointment, but I knew that this particular student had a test coming up. As I drove to that appointment, I knew that a full blown migraine was coming on. As I entered the house, something immediately trigged a huge wave of nausea-- a cleanser or disinfectant or something. I sat down for about 5 minutes before excusing myself to go to the bathroom, where I got sick. I struggled through the hour of proof writing and problem solving, making a second trip to the bathroom at some point. When the 60 minute appointment was over, I practically ran out of the house. I got to my car and closed my eyes for a few minutes-- no relief. I rolled down the windows and breathed in the cold air-- still no relief. I dialed Bill on my cell phone. He answered and I described my evening. He couldn't really respond with much sympathy, because he had had a similar night.
Bill's backache had also become increasingly worse. Thankfully, Will had a good night and was content playing with toys and watching television. Liam, on the other hand, was apparently very fussy-- insisting on being carried/bounced around the house. Due to his backache, Bill couldn't meet those demands for long. The result was 1) a screaming, purple baby who collapsed from exhaustion about an hour later and 2) an exasperated, tired and hurting daddy.
After an indescribably difficult car ride, I arrived home. Liam was peacefully sound asleep and Bill was laying on the couch with Will. I kissed them both as I headed directly for bed. I get headaches like these 3 or 4 times a year and the only cure that works is a good solid sleep.

I woke up about six hours later, at about 3 am. Liam was fussing and Bill was hunched over the crib in the dark. I sat up in bed, trying to assess the headache situation. It was gone, for the most part. I scooped up Liam and Bill lumbered back to bed. Liam was headed downstairs for a bottle and a diaper change, which only took a half-hour-- not bad. He was sleepy, so we made our way back up the stairs and I gently laid him in the crib. As I turned, on tip-toes, to leave the room, I heard Liam quietly stir and then I heard an odd gurgling sound. I turned on the light using the dimmer switch. Liam was sleeping, but he had spit-up all over his chin, pjs and blanket and there was also a puddle under his head. So, again, we headed downstairs, this time for a quick wipe-down and a new outfit. Only this time, he wasn't interested in going back to sleep. On the upside, he's not fussy, just wide-awake. On the downside, I am ex-haus-ted-- note the full set of luggage under my eyes.
I'm letting him kick, punch and coo for a little while as I write a quick blog entry. I'm also shooting this quick video before heading upstairs to try and rock him to sleep.
It's nearly 4:30 am, what do you think are my chances of getting to sleep before Will wakes up in two hours? Not good. Not good at all. But did you see those goofy smiles in the video clip? Kind of makes it all worth it, I guess.
1 comment:
You poor thing...you are still getting those migraines? Ugh. Your blog is adorable...you shouldn't say "amateur"...you're good! Hope you eventually got some sleep :) You guys use the drop-ins too - aren't they great?!?!
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