Liam sprouted not one, but FOUR teeth last week.
At his well-visit, I remarked to the pediatrician how odd it was that his side teeth were growing in before his front teeth. She replied, "Those ARE his front teeth. He'll have a gap for sure."
While this news was a bit concerning, I was too overcome with excitement to worry. Excited because we could now embark on some General Mills whole grain goodness known as Cheerios.
Good-bye to five AM fumbling with plastic bottle liners and measuring cups in one hand, while trying to quiet a hungry baby in the other-- eyes half-open and desperately needing to pee, but unable to delay the feeding for even a few moments at the risk of a screamfest.
Now, I can simply flip open a canister and drop a handful of cereal onto Liam's tray. He eagerly stretches himself towards the high chair, begging to be set down. It's amazing how much better your morning gets when you can open your eyes, empty your bladder and fill your coffee maker first thing. Not to mention the ease of preparing a bottle with not one, but two hands.
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