Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Anthony!

Will's cousin, Anthony, turned 3 this week.  
The event was celebrated with a party at Chuck E. Cheese.  
Unfortunately, I had three tutoring appointments and couldn't make it to the party.  Bill accompanied Will while Liam visited with his grandparents.  
I encouraged Bill to write this post (since he was the one who was there), but he declined.  Well, he didn't actually say no... I think he just laughed at me.  Who am I kidding?  The man won't even play Scrabble with me.  
Here are some pics that Bill took at the party:

1 comment:

njgirl0976 said...

Ironically, I refuse to play Scrabble with Erick. I have a larger vocabulary, but I always get stuck with letters like x, v, j, p, f, h, q and no vowels or I get 7 vowels. I mean, how many times can you spell "if" and "go" and win? Besides, he always manages to get the q and u in the same pick. How the hell is that possible? lol