3) I finally broke down and bought the Bumbo seat. I contemplated buying one when Will was a baby, but I really dreaded the idea of spending $30 on a piece of foam. This time around, I wanted Liam to be able to sit in the play area with Will and I without being in the bouncer where he is reclined at a 45 degree angle. I figured that the seat would give Liam a different perspective and it would encourage Will to interact with him a little more. (Currently, Will has very little interest in his very little brother.) Unfortunately, Liam has no love for the Bumbo. In fact, he pretty much hates it. From the moment I place him in the seat, he stiffens his body and starts to cry. I'll try again in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime it's getting plenty of use. Will has staked it out as his own and he sits in it and plays with it every day. Yesterday, it was the "wheel" for his go cart and today it was a "spaceship rocket" for his Transformers.
2) When potty training, many people advised me to set up books near the potty chair. That way, Will would be encouraged to sit for longer periods of time. During the six months of training (yes, six), Will had absolutely no interest in reading while defecating (pooping, whatever). No interest whatsoever. But apparently, now that we've graduated to the toilet, reading material is essential-- as is a closed door, a foot stool, the proper lighting, and all clothing being removed from the waist down. The current favorite is the Toys R Us Holiday Toy Book. After ordering me out of the bathroom, through the closed door, I hear him yelling, "Mommy, I want this ...and this... and this... I'm done... I want this... and this... Mommy... Mommy..." I open the door. "No wait, close the door, I'm not done..."
1) Will has become a fruit snack fanatic. When we go shopping, he is generally allowed to select two snacks. He invariably chooses fruit snacks. In our pantry, we currently have six different varieties-- which all taste exactly the same. Although I do feel guilty about feeding his carb addiction, I like the fact that they're a completely mess-free, self-serve snack. They're also fat-free, only 80 calories and they claim to be "an excellent source of vitamin C". These days, in Cara-speak, they're 2 WW points-- how sad that I actually checked, how sad that I've actually eaten them.
4) Speaking of Transformers...
And don't even get me started on the nose-picking-- that finger is stuck in that nose... all the time.
1 comment:
That video is hilarious. Don't we have a certain taped interview between you and I that took place when I was five and also sang the transformers song? Wonder what the comparison would sound like???
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