Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Rules

When I was in college, preparing to become a teacher, I took a course called, "Classroom Management".  This course was designed to prepare future teachers with different methods of classroom organization and discipline.  One of the suggestions offered in this class was a strategy that allowed students in the classroom to make their own rules.  For example, during the first week of class, a teacher would solicit suggestions for 'rules' from the students in the classroom.  The teacher might post these rules on the blackboard for discussion and then allow the students to select the best ones.  This idea always seemed impractical to me-- especially in the high school setting.  However, in raising a three-year-old, I decided to revisit this concept.  In raising a three-year-old, I'm willing to try just about anything these days.
Each morning at breakfast (as I struggle to get Will to stay seated and eat), we discuss the 'rules' that we are going to try and follow for the day.  He's familiar with the concept of rules from school and he seems to thrive on the concept.  For example, if Will is jumping on the couch and I tell him to get down, he may or may not respond to me.  However, if I remind him about the "rule" about jumping on the furniture, he'll hop off right away.  So weird.
This morning, at breakfast, I asked Will to tell me the rules he was going to follow for the day.  Below are Will's rules for today:
1)  No hitting.
2)  No yelling.
3)  Sit down while you eat.
4)  Don't open your belly.
5)  Don't jump and make toys fall on Liam.
6)  Don't rip up your napkin.
7)  Don't make the snowman melt.
8)  Don't say fresh things.
9)  Don't bang on the window.
10)  Don't break the Christmas tree.
Will came up with these on his own.  I'm not sure what #4 means... or #7... but we go with it anyway.  (Rule #6 comes from the fact that Will used to shred his napkin into a thousand tiny pieces-- driving mommy and daddy nuts.)  Surprisingly enough, making these rules each morning really does seem to set a tone for the day.  I make additional suggestions when necessary and Will usually agrees.  When he doesn't agree, we discuss it.
For example, tomorrow, new rules will be introduced based on the events of today.  Tomorrow we are instituting the new rule about not using Lincoln Logs to create catapults when Liam is also playing on the carpet.  (Use your imagination, it wasn't pretty.)


MamaJoss said...

You crack me up! Seriously though...that is some good stuff..I'm going to have to remember this method when Kevin gets a little older. Right now he also hits, yells, squirms out of his restaurant-style highchair, tries out Wrestle Mania moves on his little sister, and takes the ornaments of the tree one-by-one (and says "tank-koo" as he hands us each one)...ugh...thank you for reassuring me that it DOESN'T get any better over the next few years....

designHER Momma said...

and that list basically sums things up! Love it!

Christina Schmidt said...

Ohhh this is such a lovely idea! Especially for us on the weekends - we had a rough day today but if we set rules for the day maybe that will help give Matthew some parameters to operate within!

Our kids are SO close in age! Matthew was born April '05 and Marisa was born August 2, 2008! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I think I totally get #4 and #7 . . . maybe it's a guy thing.