Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Love, Hate, Boogies and Pee-Pees

As per our usual Tuesdays, Will and I were headed to the park today as my mom watched Liam.  It was a perfect Autumn day... which brings me to today's post...
Three Things I Love about the Fall:
1)  The foliage... orange, red, brown and yelow... my favorite colors.
2)  The weather... not too hot, not too cold.
3)  Halloween and Thanksgiving... my favorite holidays.
Three Things I Hate about the Fall:
1)  Fantasy Football... thanks Tom.
2)  The shorter days... starting to get dark at 6pm... (glad I'm home this year to enjoy the day).
3)  Will's season-long runny nose... gross.
As we were leaving the park today and heading to the car, I reminded Will to hold my hand.  Fidgeting in my bag with one hand to find my keys, I was half-paying attention as he slipped his slimy palm into my hand.  I paused, knowing instantly but asking anyway...
"Will... Ewww gross, is that boogies?"  (Yes, we say 'boogies'.)
"No mom, it's glue, and now we're stuck together."
Got to love the imagination of a 3-year old.  By the way, in the picture at left... That's not a drain...  it's "The Jail for the Bad-Guy Transformers".  
As we pulled into my mom's driveway, I asked Will if he had to go potty...
"Mom (insert long, labored sigh)... Transformers don't go pee-pees (yes, we also say 'pee-pees')... they're robots."
So... to summarize... Transformers... yes to 'boogies'... no to 'pee-pees' ... super.
And to those who read last Tuesday's post... as promised, 166.

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