Eight weeks ago, we welcomed Liam into the world. Many of you know that the first two weeks home were pretty stressful-- high jaundice levels, poor weight gain and a baby that wanted to sleep through 99% of the day. Once the jaundice was corrected, everything seemed to fall into place. He now follows the typical infant schedule of awake/play, eating and sleeping with lots of diaper changes. He's still getting up twice a night to eat, and he takes lots of short cat-naps throughout the day. On the upside, we've been seeing lots of smiles and hearing more and more coos and gurgles. On the downside, this baby has the gas of ten babies his age. (He must get that from his daddy.) Below are some pictures from the last two months.

Our first picture together.
Back then, Liam was merely minutes old.
Right about now, I'm thinking that this isn't one of my better angles for a photo.
This picture was probably taken at the height of the jaundice problem.
About four weeks old in this photo.
Fresh out of the bath.
Deep in thought.

This photo was taken today, at exactly 8 weeks.
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