We had Liam's 2-month well-visit this morning. Like any other morning, it was full of highs and lows. High: I remembered to put the garbage out. Low: I ate half a brownie after Liam's 4 am feeding. High: I got Will washed, dressed, fed and ready for school without raising my voice, making any threats or having the dreaded 'good listener' conversation. Low: I ran the 'Go Diego Go' tricycle over on my way to take Will to nursery school. Don't ask.
So Will was off to school at 9 am and Liam and I made a quick diaper/formula-run to BJ's before his 10:30 appointment. As we arrived a the doctor's office, we were greeted with an empty, yes empty, waiting room. Throughout the last three years, because of our work schedules, Bill and I used to
schedule appointments for 4 pm. We used to wait, in a crowded waiting room, for upwards of an hour for our appointment. The empty waiting room was definitely a high. We were seen within 10 minutes of arriving and Liam was great. He only cried once, when getting the Hep vaccine. He spent most of the time laying on the table, talking to the medical instruments that were hanging on the wall above him. Dr. Lipp did the routine exam and pronounced that everything looked fine. He's still only drinking 3 - 4 ounces of formula every 2 - 3 hours, but his weight gain was acceptable. He's sleeping at least 16 hours a day, but I'm told that's 'normal' for some babies. (Will was th
e complete opposite... draining 6 oz bottles every four hours and sleeping (maybe) 12 hours a day.)
Below are the stats for today's visit:
Height: 22 inches (40th percentile);
Weight: 12 lb 12 oz (60th percentile);
Head: 16 inches (65th percentile)
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