Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Photographer in the Making

I bring my camera everywhere these days-- walks to school, grocery store, pediatrician, department store, playdate, bagel shop, family outings.  Where we go, it goes-- tossed in the diaper bag, crammed into my purse, stuffed into the front pocket of my ski jacket.  I consciously try not to be annoying or obsessive, but I am always taking pictures and I'm always trying to convince Will to "just hold still for one minute" and "please put your tongue in your mouth".  Lately, in order to get a few shots of Will, I must first make a bargain.  I get to take a few pictures, then Will gets to take a few pictures.  (Why is everything a negotiation these days?  I feel like I'm on some toddler version of 'Let's Make a Deal'.)  In any case, he's actually getting better at taking good photos.  Before long, I might be able to post some everyday shots of Liam and I courtesy of Will.  Here are some of Will's recent shots:
First Attempt
Best Shot (Ninth Attempt)

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