Saturday, January 31, 2009

I 'pwomised'.

Kitchen table.  10:15 pm.
It was a pretty long day.  I took the kids out for the day, tutored in the afternoon, then had the kids again in the evening while Bill went to his hockey game.  At 7 pm, it seemed like Liam was fading fast.  I fed him his bottle and he was drifting off in my arms.  As his eyes began to close, Will bounded into the room, loud and full of energy.
To make a long story short, I promised (pwomised) him that we would make an art project (pwoject) as soon as Liam was in bed for the night.  In exchange, Will would play quietly on his own until I was ready.  
Liam was sleeping upstairs by 7:30.  I came downstairs, loaded the dishwasher and helped Will clean up his toys.  As I was taking out the markers, scissors, paper, stickers, etc, we heard Liam crying on the monitor.  He was wide awake and fussy.  He cried, on and off, for the next hour-- making it impossible for me to work with Will, who went back to his toys.
Finally, by 9 pm, Liam was back in the crib and sound asleep.  Will was standing outside of his little brother's room, reminding me in a whisper (as much as a 3-year-old can whisper) that it was time to 'make the awt pwoject'.  (Will's bed time is normally 9 pm.  This may seem late, but he takes a lovely 2 - 3 hour nap each afternoon.)  
So we headed downstairs.  I considered convincing him that we would do it tomorrow and that it was too late-- but he had been so good that I decided to keep the promise.  Even more so, I was just too exhausted to construct an argument persuasive enough to win him over.
Here is the finished product, along with my favorite night owl who, will hopefully sleep-in tomorrow.  

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