Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dialogue Over a Diaper Change

This afternoon, as I was changing Liam's diaper, Will climbed up on his stool and popped his head up over the changing table.  
"Mommy...I'm TEN!"  He stretched his hands towards me to show me all ten fingers.
"Really?  Do you go to a big boy school?"
"Well what grade are you in?"
"And what do you want to be after you finish school?"
"An octopus..."  He pauses.  "....No, no, no.... a car."
"You want to be a car?"
"Uh-huh.  How's that mom?"
"That's great honey.  Can you throw this diaper in the garbage for mommy?"
"Ewwwwwwwwwww...."  He runs away, making car engine sounds, and dramatically falling to the floor.

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