Monday, October 13, 2008

Long Weeked, Short Post

I tried, in vain, to write this post last night.  I could barely stay awake long enough to turn the computer on, let alone write a post.  We had a great (and busy) weekend.  Bill and Will had another hockey session at the park, we had dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's, Will had his Sunday swim lesson, we went to a farm and helped Pop Pop pick out chickens for his backyard, and we went to Frightfest at Great Adventure.  It's now Monday morning, 7:15.  Liam is dozing in and out of sleep and he'll be crying for a bottle any minute.  Will, upstairs in bed, will soon be calling for me to come up and help him go "potty", get dressed, etc.  And I am staring at my coffee pot, wondering if I have enough time to drink a hot cup of coffee.  (Usually the coffee gets poured, I get a couple of sips, the kids wake up and I drink it cold an hour or so later.)  So rather than include the details of all that we did this weekend, I'll just include a bunch of pictures.

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